Syntax10.Scn.Fnt StampElems Alloc 1 Sep 94 Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt Syntax10b.Scn.Fnt MODULE Def; (** CAS IMPORT Oberon, Viewers, Fonts, Texts, MenuViewers, TextFrames; CONST Menu = "System.Close System.Copy System.Grow Edit.Search Edite.ReplaceAll Edit.Parcs Edit.Store "; TAB = 9X; CR = 0DX; MaxMod = 32; module = 0; import = 1; const = 2; type = 3; class = 4; var = 5; procedure = 6; begin = 7; end = 8; period = 9; array = 10; record = 11; of = 12; pointer = 13; to = 14; asterisk = 15; comma = 16; colon = 17; equal = 18; lparen = 19; rparen = 20; semicolon = 21; arrow = 22; slash = 23; minus = 24; ident = 25; endident = 29; endmod = 30; eot = 31; none = 99; B: Texts.Buffer; TMod: Texts.Text; plainFont: Fonts.Font; W, WL: Texts.Writer; R: Texts.Reader; wpos, pos, cpos: LONGINT; mods: INTEGER; (*no of "exported" modules*) mod: ARRAY MaxMod OF RECORD exp, break: BOOLEAN; beg, end: LONGINT; name: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR END; sym, tag, line, level, nlines: INTEGER; newline, plain: BOOLEAN; ch: CHAR; id: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; comment: RECORD exp, break, split: BOOLEAN; wpos, pos0, pos1: LONGINT END; PROCEDURE AppendDef(VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE s[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END; s[i] := "."; s[i+1] := "D"; s[i+2] := "e"; s[i+3] := "f"; s[i+4] := 0X END AppendDef; PROCEDURE DefSuffix(VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE s[i] # 0X DO IF (s[i] = ".") & (s[i+1] = "M") & (s[i+2] = "o") & (s[i+3] = "d") & (s[i+4] = 0X) THEN s[i] := 0X; AppendDef(s) END; INC(i) END END DefSuffix; PROCEDURE Mark(err: INTEGER); BEGIN Texts.WriteString(WL, " pos "); Texts.WriteInt(WL, pos, 0); IF err = 0 THEN Texts.WriteString(WL, " not a module") ELSIF err = 2 THEN Texts.WriteString(WL, " end of module missing") END; Texts.WriteLn(WL); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, WL.buf) END Mark; PROCEDURE Pos(): LONGINT; BEGIN RETURN Texts.Pos(R)-1 END Pos; PROCEDURE PickAttr(attr: LONGINT); VAR R: Texts.Reader; ch: CHAR; BEGIN Texts.OpenReader(R, TMod, attr); Texts.Read(R, ch); Texts.SetFont(W, R.fnt); Texts.SetColor(W, R.col); Texts.SetOffset(W, R.voff) END PickAttr; PROCEDURE Wr(attr: LONGINT; ch: CHAR); BEGIN PickAttr(attr); Texts.Write(W, ch) END Wr; PROCEDURE WrS(attr: LONGINT; s: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN PickAttr(attr); Texts.WriteString(W, s) END WrS; PROCEDURE WrLn; BEGIN Texts.WriteLn(W) END WrLn; PROCEDURE Indent(n: INTEGER); BEGIN WrLn; Texts.SetFont(W, plainFont); WHILE n > 0 DO Texts.Write(W, TAB); DEC(n) END END Indent; PROCEDURE Break(break: BOOLEAN; n: INTEGER); BEGIN IF break THEN Indent(n) ELSE Texts.SetFont(W, plainFont); Texts.Write(W, " ") END END Break; PROCEDURE Append(SB, DB: Texts.Buffer); BEGIN Texts.Copy(SB, DB); Texts.OpenBuf(SB) END Append; PROCEDURE InsertBuf(B: Texts.Buffer; text: Texts.Text; VAR pos: LONGINT); VAR len: LONGINT; BEGIN len := B.len; Texts.Insert(text, pos, B); INC(pos, len) END InsertBuf; PROCEDURE Insert(beg, end: LONGINT; text: Texts.Text; VAR pos: LONGINT); VAR buf: Texts.Buffer; BEGIN NEW(buf); Texts.OpenBuf(buf); Texts.Save(TMod, beg, end, buf); InsertBuf(W.buf, text, pos); InsertBuf(buf, text, pos) END Insert; PROCEDURE Disp(beg, end: LONGINT); BEGIN Append(W.buf, B); Texts.Save(TMod, beg, end, B) END Disp; (* scanner *) PROCEDURE Ch; BEGIN IF ch = CR THEN INC(line) END; Texts.Read(R, ch) END Ch; PROCEDURE Comment; VAR ch0: CHAR; lev, cnt: INTEGER; pos1: LONGINT; BEGIN ch0 := ch; lev := 1; cnt := 0; IF ch = "*" THEN Ch; IF ch = ")" THEN Ch; RETURN END END; REPEAT IF ch = "*" THEN Ch; INC(cnt); IF ch = ")" THEN Ch; DEC(lev) END ELSIF ch = "(" THEN Ch; cnt := 0; IF ch = "*" THEN Ch; INC(lev) END ELSE Ch; cnt := 0 END UNTIL (lev = 0) OR R.eot; IF ch0 = "*" THEN comment.exp := TRUE; (*exported comment*) comment.break := nlines >= 2; comment.wpos := wpos; comment.pos0 := pos; pos1 := Pos(); comment.pos1 := pos1; comment.split := (cnt > 1) & (pos+5 < pos1) ELSE comment.exp := FALSE END END Comment; PROCEDURE FlushComment; BEGIN IF comment.exp THEN IF comment.break THEN WrLn END; Disp(comment.wpos, comment.pos0); Disp(comment.pos0, comment.pos0 + 1); IF comment.split THEN Disp(comment.pos0 + 2, comment.pos1 - 2); Disp(comment.pos1 - 1, comment.pos1) ELSE Disp(comment.pos0 + 2, comment.pos1) END; comment.exp := FALSE END END FlushComment; PROCEDURE Ident; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN sym := ident; i := 0; REPEAT id[i] := ch; Ch; INC(i) UNTIL (ch < "0") OR (ch > "9") & (CAP(ch) < "A") OR (CAP(ch) > "Z"); id[i] := 0X END Ident; PROCEDURE Sym; VAR ch0: CHAR; ln: INTEGER; BEGIN IF sym = eot THEN RETURN END; sym := none; ln := line; WHILE ~R.eot & (sym = none) DO wpos := Pos(); WHILE ~R.eot & (ch <= " ") DO IF ch = 0DX THEN wpos := Pos() END; Ch END; pos := Pos(); nlines := line - ln; newline := nlines # 0; IF (ch >= "a") & (ch <= "z") THEN ch0 := CAP(ch) ELSE ch0 := ch END; IF (ch0 >= "A") & (ch0 <= "Z") THEN Ident ELSE Ch END; CASE ch0 OF 0X.."!", "#".."'", "+", "0".."9", "<", ">".."@": | 22X: REPEAT Ch UNTIL (ch = 22X) OR (ch < " ") OR R.eot; Ch | "(": IF ch = "*" THEN Ch; Comment; FlushComment ELSE sym := lparen END | ")": sym := rparen | "*": sym := asterisk | ",": sym := comma | "-": sym := minus | ".": IF ch # "." THEN sym := period END | "/": sym := slash | ":": sym := colon | ";": sym := semicolon | "=": sym := equal | "D", "F".."H", "J".."L", "N", "Q", "S", "U", "W".."Z": | "A": IF id = "ARRAY" THEN sym := array END | "B": IF id = "BEGIN" THEN sym := begin END | "C": IF id = "CONST" THEN sym := const ELSIF id = "CLASS" THEN sym := class END | "E": IF id = "END" THEN sym := end END | "I": IF id = "IMPORT" THEN sym := import END | "M": IF id = "MODULE" THEN sym := module END | "O": IF id = "OF" THEN sym := of END | "P": IF id = "PROCEDURE" THEN sym := procedure ELSIF id = "POINTER" THEN sym := pointer END | "R": IF id = "RECORD" THEN sym := record END | "T": IF id = "TYPE" THEN sym := type ELSIF id = "TO" THEN sym := to END | "V": IF id = "VAR" THEN sym := var END | "[", "\", "]": | "^": sym := arrow | "|": sym := semicolon (*nearly - but does the job*) | "_".."{", "}"..0FFX: END END; IF R.eot THEN sym := eot END END Sym; PROCEDURE Seek(syms: SET; exporting: BOOLEAN); VAR first, emod: BOOLEAN; m: INTEGER; BEGIN IF sym # endmod THEN syms := syms + {endmod, eot}; emod := ~(end IN syms); REPEAT first := sym # period; IF exporting & first & (sym = ident) THEN m := 0; WHILE m < mods DO IF id = mod[m].name THEN mod[m].exp := TRUE END; INC(m) END; first := FALSE; IF ident IN syms THEN RETURN END; Sym ELSIF emod & (sym = end) THEN cpos := pos; Sym; IF sym = ident THEN Sym; IF (sym = period) OR (sym = eot) THEN sym := endmod ELSIF sym = semicolon THEN sym := endident END END ELSE Sym END UNTIL sym IN syms END END Seek; (* projector *) PROCEDURE ShowType(show: BOOLEAN; newlev: INTEGER); VAR exp, first, break, skip, limited: BOOLEAN; pos1, pos2: LONGINT; oldlev: INTEGER; BEGIN Seek({ident, record, array, pointer, procedure}, show); oldlev := level; level := newlev; IF sym = record THEN pos1 := pos; pos2 := Pos(); Seek({lparen, ident, end}, show); exp := FALSE; IF sym = lparen THEN Seek({rparen}, show); pos2 := Pos(); Seek({ident, end}, show) END; IF show THEN Disp(pos1, pos2) END; WHILE sym = ident DO first := TRUE; skip := FALSE; REPEAT pos1 := pos; pos2 := Pos(); break := newline; Seek({asterisk, minus, comma, colon}, show); IF sym IN {asterisk, minus} THEN limited := sym = minus; Seek({comma, colon}, show); IF show THEN IF first THEN IF exp THEN Wr(pos, ";") END; Break(break OR skip, level+1); skip := FALSE ELSE WrS(pos, ", ") END; IF limited THEN Disp(pos1, pos) ELSE Disp(pos1, pos2) END; exp := TRUE; first := FALSE END ELSE skip := TRUE END; IF sym = comma THEN Seek({ident}, show) END UNTIL sym IN {colon, eot}; IF sym = colon THEN IF exp & ~first THEN WrS(pos, ": ") END; ShowType(exp & ~first, level+1) END; IF sym # end THEN Seek({ident, end}, show) END END; IF show & (sym = end) THEN IF ~exp THEN Wr(Pos(), " ") ELSE Indent(level) END; Disp(pos, Pos()) END ELSIF sym = array THEN pos1 := pos; Seek({of}, show); IF show THEN Disp(pos1, Pos()); Wr(Pos(), " ") END; ShowType(show, level) ELSIF sym = pointer THEN pos1 := pos; Seek({to}, show); IF show THEN Disp(pos1, Pos()); Wr(Pos(), " ") END; ShowType(show, level) ELSIF sym = procedure THEN pos1 := pos; pos2 := Pos(); Seek({lparen, semicolon, end}, show); IF sym = lparen THEN Seek({rparen}, show); Seek({semicolon, end}, show); pos2 := pos END; IF show THEN Disp(pos1, pos2) END ELSE (*simple type*) pos1 := pos; pos2 := Pos(); Seek({period, semicolon, end}, show); WHILE sym = period DO Seek({ident}, FALSE); pos2 := Pos(); Seek({period, semicolon, end}, FALSE) END; IF show THEN Disp(pos1, pos2) END END; level := oldlev END ShowType; PROCEDURE Import(VAR ins, beg, end: LONGINT); BEGIN Append(W.buf, B); ins := B.len; beg := pos; end := Pos(); level := 1; REPEAT Seek({ident, const, type, class, var, procedure}, FALSE); IF sym = ident THEN mod[mods].beg := pos; COPY(id, mod[mods].name); mod[mods].break := newline; Seek({semicolon, comma, asterisk}, FALSE); mod[mods].end := pos; mod[mods].exp := FALSE; IF sym = asterisk THEN Seek({semicolon, comma}, FALSE) END; INC(mods) END UNTIL sym IN {const, type, class, var, procedure, endmod, eot}; level := 0 END Import; PROCEDURE GenImports(text: Texts.Text; ins, beg, end: LONGINT); VAR m: INTEGER; exp: BOOLEAN; BEGIN m := 0; exp := FALSE; pos := ins; WHILE m < mods DO IF mod[m].exp THEN IF exp THEN Wr(mod[m].end, ",") ELSE Indent(1); Insert(beg, end, text, pos); IF ~mod[m].break THEN Break(mod[0].break, 2) END END; exp := TRUE; Break(mod[m].break, 2); Insert(mod[m].beg, mod[m].end, text, pos) END; INC(m) END; IF exp THEN Wr(pos, ";"); InsertBuf(W.buf, text, pos) END END GenImports; PROCEDURE^ Constructor; PROCEDURE Const; VAR pos0, pos1, pos2: LONGINT; break, exp: BOOLEAN; BEGIN pos0 := pos; pos1 := Pos(); exp := FALSE; Seek({ident, const, type, class, var, procedure}, FALSE); INC(level); WHILE sym = ident DO pos2 := pos; break := newline; Seek({equal, asterisk}, FALSE); IF sym = asterisk THEN IF ~exp & (tag # const) THEN WrLn; Indent(level); Disp(pos0, pos1) END; Break(break, level + 1); Disp(pos2, pos); pos2 := Pos(); Seek({semicolon}, TRUE); Disp(pos2, Pos()); exp := TRUE; tag := const ELSE Seek({semicolon}, TRUE) END; Seek({ident, const, type, class, var, procedure, begin, endident}, FALSE) END; DEC(level) END Const; PROCEDURE Type; VAR pos0, pos1, pos2: LONGINT; first, break, exp: BOOLEAN; BEGIN pos0 := pos; pos1 := Pos(); exp := FALSE; Seek({ident, const, type, class, var, procedure}, FALSE); INC(level); WHILE sym = ident DO first := TRUE; pos2 := pos; break := newline; Seek({equal, asterisk}, FALSE); IF sym = asterisk THEN IF ~exp & (tag # type) THEN WrLn; Indent(level); Disp(pos0, pos1) END; Break(break, level + 1); Disp(pos2, pos); pos2 := Pos(); Seek({equal}, FALSE); Disp(pos2, Pos()); Wr(Pos(), " "); ShowType(TRUE, level + 1); first := FALSE; exp := TRUE; tag := type ELSIF sym = equal THEN ShowType(FALSE, level + 1) END; IF ~first THEN Wr(Pos(), ";") END; Seek({ident, const, type, class, var, procedure, begin, endident}, FALSE) END; DEC(level) END Type; PROCEDURE Var(instance: BOOLEAN); VAR pos0, pos1, pos2: LONGINT; first, skip, break, exp, limited: BOOLEAN; BEGIN pos0 := pos; pos1 := Pos(); exp := FALSE; Seek({ident, const, type, class, var, procedure, endident}, FALSE); INC(level); WHILE sym = ident DO first := TRUE; break := newline OR instance; skip := FALSE; WHILE sym = ident DO pos2 := pos; Seek({colon, comma, asterisk, minus}, FALSE); IF sym IN {asterisk, minus} THEN limited := sym = minus; IF ~exp & (tag # var) & ~instance THEN WrLn; Indent(level); Disp(pos0, pos1) END; IF first THEN Break(break OR skip, level + 1) ELSE WrS(Pos(), ", ") END; IF limited THEN Disp(pos2, Pos()) ELSE Disp(pos2, pos) END; Seek({colon, comma}, FALSE); first := FALSE; exp := TRUE; skip := FALSE; tag := var ELSE skip := TRUE END; IF sym = comma THEN Seek({ident}, FALSE); break := newline ELSIF sym = colon THEN IF ~first THEN WrS(Pos(), ": ") END; ShowType(~first, level + 1) END END; IF ~first THEN Wr(Pos(), ";") END; Seek({ident, const, type, class, var, procedure, begin, endident}, FALSE) END; DEC(level) END Var; PROCEDURE Procedure; VAR pos0, pos1: LONGINT; savetag: INTEGER; BEGIN pos0 := pos; Seek({arrow, asterisk, slash, ident, lparen}, FALSE); IF sym IN {asterisk, slash} THEN Seek({ident, lparen}, FALSE) END; IF sym = lparen THEN Seek({rparen}, FALSE); Seek({ident}, FALSE) END; IF sym = ident THEN pos1 := Pos(); Seek({lparen, semicolon, asterisk}, FALSE); IF sym = asterisk THEN IF tag # procedure THEN WrLn END; INC(level); Indent(level); Disp(pos0, pos1); pos0 := Pos(); Seek({lparen, semicolon}, FALSE); IF sym = lparen THEN Seek({rparen}, TRUE); Seek({semicolon}, TRUE) END; Disp(pos0, Pos()); tag := procedure; DEC(level) ELSIF sym = lparen THEN Seek({rparen}, FALSE) END ELSE Seek({lparen, semicolon}, FALSE); IF sym = lparen THEN Seek({rparen}, FALSE) END END; Seek({const, type, class, var, procedure, endident}, FALSE); savetag := tag; WHILE sym IN {const, type, class, var, procedure} DO Constructor END; Seek({const, type, class, var, procedure, endident}, FALSE); tag := savetag END Procedure; PROCEDURE Class; VAR pos0: LONGINT; forward: BOOLEAN; BEGIN pos0 := pos; Seek({arrow, asterisk, semicolon}, FALSE); forward := sym = arrow; IF forward THEN Seek({asterisk, semicolon}, FALSE) END; IF sym = asterisk THEN WrLn; Indent(level + 1); Disp(pos0, pos); Seek({lparen, semicolon}, FALSE); IF sym = lparen THEN pos0 := pos; Seek({rparen}, TRUE); Disp(pos0, Pos()); Seek({semicolon}, FALSE) END; tag := procedure; Disp(pos, Pos()); REPEAT Var(TRUE) UNTIL sym # ident; IF forward & (sym # endident) THEN Seek({endident}, FALSE) ELSE INC(level); WHILE sym = procedure DO Procedure END; DEC(level) END; Indent(level + 1); Disp(cpos, Pos()); tag := class ELSE (*sym = semicolon*) REPEAT Var(TRUE) UNTIL sym # ident; IF forward & (sym # endident) THEN Seek({endident}, FALSE) ELSE WHILE sym = procedure DO Procedure END END END; Seek({const, type, class, var, procedure, endident}, FALSE) END Class; PROCEDURE Constructor; BEGIN CASE sym OF const: Const | type: Type | class: Class | var: Var(FALSE) | procedure: Procedure END; IF sym = begin THEN Seek({const, type, class, var, procedure, endident}, FALSE) END END Constructor; PROCEDURE Show*; (** ( "*" | "^" | name ) [ "/P" ] --P option enforces plain text style **) VAR S: Texts.Scanner; V: Viewers.Viewer; text: Texts.Text; name: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; selbeg, selend, time: LONGINT; x, y: INTEGER; defpos, modbeg, modend, impins, impbeg, impend: LONGINT; BEGIN Texts.OpenScanner(S, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos); Texts.Scan(S); IF (S.class = Texts.Char) & (S.c = "*") & (S.line = 0) THEN V := Oberon.MarkedViewer(); IF (V # NIL) & (V.dsc # NIL) & ( # NIL) & ( IS TextFrames.Frame) THEN TMod :=; S.s[0] := "*"; S.s[1] := 0X ELSE RETURN END ELSIF (S.class = Texts.Name) & (S.line = 0) THEN TMod := TextFrames.Text(S.s) ELSE Oberon.GetSelection(text, selbeg, selend, time); IF time > 0 THEN Texts.OpenScanner(S, text, selbeg); Texts.Scan(S); IF (S.class # Texts.Name) OR (S.line > 0) THEN RETURN END ELSE RETURN END; TMod := TextFrames.Text(S.s) END; COPY(S.s, name); DefSuffix(name); Texts.Scan(S); plain := FALSE; IF (S.class = Texts.Char) & (S.c = "/") THEN plain := CAP(S.nextCh) = "P" END; Texts.OpenBuf(W.buf); Texts.OpenBuf(WL.buf); Texts.OpenBuf(B); Texts.OpenReader(R, TMod, 0); ch := 0X; Ch; sym := none; line := 0; level := 0; Sym; IF sym = module THEN defpos := pos; WrS(defpos, "DEFINITION "); Seek({ident}, FALSE); IF name[0] = "*" THEN COPY(id, name); AppendDef(name) END; modbeg := pos; modend := Pos(); Seek({semicolon}, FALSE); Disp(modbeg, modend); Disp(pos, Pos()); Seek({import, const, type, class, var, procedure}, FALSE); mods := 0; tag := none; IF sym = import THEN Import(impins, impbeg, impend) END; WHILE sym IN {const, type, class, var, procedure} DO Constructor END; IF sym # endmod THEN Seek({}, FALSE) END; IF sym = endmod THEN WrLn; Disp(cpos, Pos()); WHILE sym # eot DO Sym END; text := TextFrames.Text(""); WrLn; Append(W.buf, B); Texts.Append(text, B); GenImports(text, impins, impbeg, impend); IF plain THEN Texts.ChangeLooks(text, 0, text.len, {0}, plainFont, 0, 0) END; Oberon.AllocateUserViewer(Oberon.Mouse.X, x, y); V := MenuViewers.New(TextFrames.NewMenu(name, Menu), TextFrames.NewText(text, 0), TextFrames.menuH, x, y) ELSE Mark(2) END; TMod := NIL ELSE Mark(0) END END Show; BEGIN Texts.OpenWriter(W); Texts.OpenWriter(WL); NEW(B); plainFont := Fonts.This("Syntax10.Scn.Fnt") END Def.